Toronto & Central Ontario

This region serves communities West to Oakville, East to Trenton, North to Huntsville, and South to Lake Ontario.

There are more sickle cell disease comprehensive care centers (Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto General Hospital, Brampton Civic Hospital, Credit Valley Hospital, McMaster Children Hospital, etc.) and community hospitals in Toronto and Central Ontario than in any other region.  Also, the majority of families with sickle cell disease reside in the Greater Toronto Area making it essential to continually recruit volunteers to support the smooth running of programs in this region.

In addition to the Learning for life and the lunch and learn programs offered province-wide, Central Ontario hosts the yearly “Advocacy Day at Queen’s Park”, “Awareness at the Toronto Caribbean Carnival”, “Scotia Bank Marathon Fundraiser” and the Annual Hope Gala.

Awareness: We love to talk about sickle cell disease! If you live in this region and have an interest in raising community awareness, reach out via email to

Support Group: We offer a safe and non-judgmental space for people affected by sickle cell disease. Are you interested in joining our support network? E-mail:

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