
SCAGO is pleased to partner with AXON to promote the LISTEN study. LISTEN is a new international research initiative that aims to listen to the experiences of those with sickle cell disease, in order to better understand the community’s current needs around participating in clinical trials.

There is a $50 honorarium for participating in this study If you are interested in participating in this study, please email and for more information.

SMART YOUTH App for Sickle Cell Disease
A team of graduate students from the Translational Research Program at the University of Toronto is working on a project called SMART Youth, which aims to improve the transition of youth with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) from pediatric to adult healthcare.

They are looking for young patients and caregivers who are interested in joining them for two co-design workshops. Co-design workshops are a way of collaborating creatively with different stakeholders to find solutions for a common problem. In this case, they want to understand the needs and challenges of youth with SCD and co-create interventions that can help them.

The workshops will be held online and will last about two hours each. You will have the opportunity to share your experiences, learn from others, and contribute to the design of new solutions. Your participation is voluntary and confidential, and you will receive a gift card as a token of appreciation.

To participate: please complete this form
For more information or questions about the study: Contact us

Clinical Trials Ontario
SCAGO is pleased to continue collaboration with Clinical Trials Ontario (CTO) whose vision is to make Ontario a preferred location for global clinical trials while maintaining the highest ethical standards.
SCAGO and similar organizations joined CTO to develop the clinical trial fact sheet.

The CeDar Study-Living with Sickle Cell Disease across the lifespan
Participant Information
Nipissing University would like to invite you to take part in this study. This study aims to collect stories of people living with sickle cell disease (SCD), their experiences of everyday life, and how they navigate and negotiate care. This study will involve interviewing participants (via the virtual platform) about their everyday life, the impact of their health conditions on their life, and their experiences of accessing and interacting with healthcare services. Please take your time in reading this leaflet