About the YRAP


About the YRAP

The Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario is grateful to Vertex Pharmaceuticals in supporting it's Young Researchers Award Program in 2023 and 2024.

The Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario is seeking to award one or more Student Research Grants, valued at up to $10,000, to students with interest in sickle cell research, to advance the care and treatment of people with sickle cell anemia.

Those interested in applying for a scholarship must prepare a detailed research plan. For more details, see the below.

Share our vision. Encourage student research
Supporting research aimed at improving the health and quality of life of all people with sickle cell anemia and finding a cure have been SCAGO’s goals since its creation in 2005. So that more students can learn interested in sickle cell anemia research, we created the Young Researchers’ Award Program (YRPA) in 2019.

Payment of the scholarship
If the scholarship is awarded, the recipient will be required to provide recipient information and mailing address – this information can be obtained from the institution’s research administration office. The institution will serve as financial agent.

Scholarship checks payable to:
Scholarship checks sent to: (indicate the name of the person responsible, postal address, telephone number and email).

In keeping with our mission to advance care and treatment through research and education initiatives, the Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario (SCAGO) Young Researchers’ Award Program was created to provide post-secondary students with research experience in sickle cell anemia. Students must undertake a research project under the guidance of a faculty advisor during their free time or a brief elective research internship approved by their school. The research project must lead to an academic presentation that could be presented at regional, national or international conferences.

Nature of projects
Any area of research (including but not limited to health issues, psychosocial and economic impacts, advancement of care, etc.) will be considered, provided the focus is on ‘sickle cell anemia.

The Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario will award the recipient up to a $10,000 scholarship to conduct a research project to be completed within three months.

Deadline for submission of applications
Applications must be submitted electronically by March 31st 2025. Applications will not be accepted after the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

SCAGO Young Researcher’s Award Program Conditions

Publicity of the winners
Scholarship winners will be advertised on our print and electronic platforms. Information submitted in the application, including the name of the winner, institution, project title and abstract, may be used to promote the scholarship. Scholarship recipients will be required to attend the Hope Gala and Awards ceremony in June of the award year, during which half of the scholarship amount will be paid.

Progress report
Applicants are required to submit a final summary report to the committee within three months of project completion. Typically, reports are due six months after the project start date. Complete reports must include each of the following:

A project report of 1,000 to 1,500 words including the Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusions sections. Please provide tables, figures and references.
• Reiterate the specific objectives of the initial research plan and outline progress made toward achieving each objective.
• Describe any changes made to the initial research plan and justify these changes.
• Please provide explanations if one or more of your initial objectives were not achieved.
• Indicate any complications you encountered
• Indicate whether the results of your studies are being prepared for publication or will be prepared for publication.
• Indicate the clinical and/or psychosocial significance and future clinical and/or psychosocial implications of your study results.
• Indicate the strengths and weaknesses of the scholarship program in which you participated.

Recipients may request, at no cost, to extend the final payment period up to six months after the original end date. Approval of an extension does not result in the allocation of additional funds. The extension request accompanied by a progress report must be submitted to the committee before the expiration of the initial scholarship period. The request must specify the reason(s) for the extension, the length of the requested extension period, and an explanation of how the reason(s) for the delay will be resolved.

Review or termination of financial support
The evaluation committee reserves the right to adjust the amount awarded or to terminate the payment of funds awarded, under the conditions of the student research scholarship program.

The applicant must be a full-time student at a recognized Canadian university or college.
• The applicant must have a research mentor at the institution where the research is carried out. The mentor may be from the applicant’s institution or from another institution. The research mentor will assist the applicant in completing the program application, supervise the work of the award recipient, assist with their research, and ensure that the award recipient meets all deadlines. The mentor may or may not be a member of SCAGO.
Selection criteria and evaluation process

The SCAGO Research Committee (composed of members with professional experience in the field of sickle cell anemia as well as patient advocacy) will evaluate the application to determine its scientific merit and suitability for funding. After submission, reviewers will provide an initial assessment, which will be sent to applicants. The applicant must read the evaluation and provide a response. Once the response is received, the grading process will begin. For scoring, each reviewer will divide the applications into three groups (high, middle and low) and assign a score of 1, 2 or 3 to each of the applications respectively. The final selection will be based on the average of the application scores. The search committee will complete the evaluation and selection by April 28. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application by email no later than May 15 and must begin their research no later than the second week of June.

Application procedure
Part I: Summary of the proposed research plan
Please provide a brief description of the proposed research plan. This summary must also describe the involvement of the scientific advisor and the role that the student will play in carrying out the research study. State the long-term goals of the proposed work and the methods that will be used. Data collection and analysis should be summarized and accompanied by the potential scope of this work.

Part II – Researcher(s) – 2 pages maximum

Professional data of the applicant (researcher)
1. Establishment
2. Department
3. Current year of training
4. Previously received scholarships (if applicable), indicate all sources of funding.
5. Provide a list of the researcher’s publications related to the proposed research. Provide complete references.
6. Contact details

Scientific advisor
To be completed by the scientific advisor

Name, diplomas, title and rank held within the teaching staff
2. A brief description of the advisor’s role as mentor to the applicant.
Other researchers (if applicable)

Other researchers, scientific advisors, consultants who will contribute substantially to the project must be mentioned. Please attach a description of the role they will play in the proposed research project.

Biographical notes
Indicate your area(s) of professional or scientific interest as well as your long-term career goals.

Part III: Detailed research plan – 2 pages maximum

Methodology :
Provide a detailed description of the study, including details on the rationale, objectives, expected results, experimental design, methodology, data collection and analysis. Describe the expected results and indicate whether the project addresses an important problem or major barrier to advancing the care of people with sickle cell anemia. Indicate whether the project has a scientific premise.

Location of the study:
If an applicant will carry out their research at an establishment other than the one where they are registered, they must provide the name of the establishment where the proposed research project will be carried out.

Resources and environment:
Describe key resources such as equipment, laboratories, clinics, offices and computers, support services, educational resources, etc. who will be available for this project.*If applicable

Part IV: Budget

Detailed budget:
The applicant must provide a complete and detailed list of costs associated with the proposed project. This includes equipment, supplies and materials. Explain how costs not covered by this award will be covered (department funds, etc.). The SCAGO Student Research Award does not cover institutional overhead or indirect costs.

Other sources of support (pending and received):
Indicate all other sources of funding requested or received for this project. Indicate the name, amount and date received.

Online application submission
When all sections of the application have been completed, submit the application documents to research@sicklecellanemia.ca, once the committee has verified the application a confirmation email will be sent to you.

Quick Links


Address: 330-5109 Steeles Ave W.
North York, ON , M9L 2Y8

Phone: GTA: 416-745-4267

Email: info@sicklecellanemia.ca

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© SCAGO - All Rights Reserved -Disclaimer - Charitable Registration #: 83332 0872 RR 0001


Address: 235-415 Oakdale Rd. North York, ON M3N 1W7

Phone: 416-745-4267

Email: info@sicklecellanemia.ca

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© SCAGO - All Rights Reserved -Disclaimer - Charitable Registration #: 83332 0872 RR 0001

Quick Links


Address: 235-415 Oakdale Rd.

North York, ON M3N 1W7

Phone: 416-745-4267

Email: info@sicklecellanemia.ca

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© SCAGO - All Rights Reserved -Disclaimer - Charitable Registration #: 83332 0872 RR 0001