Some people with sickle cell disease already have fertility issues and no one knows if the vaccine will cause fertility and reproductive issues. Why take a vaccine that you do not know much about? I would rather be on the side of caution than have regrets in the future.

There is no evidence to suggest that vaccines affect fertility. This has been a common question due to a look-a-like antibody from the vaccine and the womb. Further research suggests it is not a concern, and that all women who are pregnant or wishing to become pregnant should get vaccinated for COVID-19.

According to Dr. Leis from the Sunnybrook Hospital, “There is no scientific reason that the vaccine would impact fertility.” This statement was also echoed by Dr. Modupe ByAss, an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist from the North York General Hospital who sits on the COVID-19 Expert Team of the Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario.

Note: Some women do notice changes in their monthly cycle with the vaccine, which is usually only noticed for a short time before returning to normal. This is believed to be due to transient changes brought about by the immune response to the vaccine and is not felt to affect reproduction.

Read Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Fertility and the COVID-19 Vaccine – Sunnybrook Hospital

Read COVID Vaccines Show No Signs of Harming Fertility or Sexual Function – Scientific American

Watch Ask The Expert QA: COVID 19 Vaccine, Reproductive Health & Infertility,